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Nora Codes


I write a lot of software. Not all of it is production quality, but I like to make it public so that others can benefit from my work.

  • nnote author cli bash is a minimal notetaking tool designed to mesh well with Neovim’s Telescope plugin, Vim with CtrlP, or any other quick-navigating terminal-based editor.
  • sigweb author web rust is a generator for random musical ideas for synthesists.
  • RandomUA author web javascript is a WebExtension that changes your User-Agent string to a sensible-looking UA string which is different for every request.
  • Open Energy Dashboard contributor web javascript is a web application that ingests, stores, and allows users to analyze data from smart energy meters. I worked on this throughout my degree program at Beloit College.
  • Corobel author web rust archived is a set of tools for interacting with the Cohost API, including per-post source retrieval and RSS feeds with and without transparent shares. Archived with the death of Cohost.
  • gDiceRoller author gui rust is a GTK app that allows users to roll dice in simple or complex combinations. Created to teach how to make and package GTK applications with Rust and Flatpak.
  • RLoris author cli rust is a concurrent and parallel implementation of RSnake’s SlowLoris application level DoS attack on many web servers (like Apache).
  • counted-rs author cli rust archived is a command line interface to fetch CSV-formatted data from The Guardian’s database of police shootings in the US.
  • update-rate author library rust is a low-overhead update counter for high-performance applications.
  • eggbug-rs contributor library rust is a bot library for the reverse-engineered, non-stable API of Cohost.
  • workctl author library rust is a set of mid-level abstractions for controlling concurrent/parallel programs
  • whiteout author library rust provides macros that erase the type of any value into an impl Trait for a given trait.
  • libui-rs author library rust archived is a Rust interface providing cross platform access to native UI frameworks.
  • helicase author library python archived can read and write strings of DNA bases, and convert them to framed strands or polypeptides in Python.
  • sbrain author library rust archived is a 25-symbol programming language specification and VM implementation, in Rust.
  • MLeM author library rust archived implements the Machine Learning Machine, a virtual machine designed as an ML target.
  • Markdown @ Edge author web rust is a WASM app that renders Markdown on each HTTP request.
  • PyParens author cli python is a toy Lisp language that executes in a Python context, with full interoperation.
  • esp8266_scan author embedded cpp is a wireless scanner code for the ESP8266 chip, which produces either JSON or human-readable output.
  • geiger_counter author embedded cpp is a Geiger counter with a dosimeter output for comparing the radioactivity of different samples.