Arduino Geiger Counter Dosimeter written Aug 19, 2019
A short write-up of my rough-and-ready Geiger counter, and lessons learned from building and testing it.
PDF Embedding Attacks written Aug 04, 2018
Turns out, it's possible to embed files that automatically execute as soon as a PDF is opened, making it an optimal malware delivery mechanism.
Additional Exercises in Reverse Engineering written Feb 03, 2018
Some more exercises and commentary about reverse engineering 64-bit Intel binaries.
An Intro to x86_64 Reverse Engineering written Nov 16, 2017
A thorough introduction to understanding the radare reverse engineering toolkit, demonstrated by taking apart some programs compiled for Intel x86_64, a.k.a. AMD64, under Linux.
I Repaired My Headphones written Jun 04, 2016
Hardware manufacturers are missing out on a huge potential source of revenue: the thrifty tech user market.
The Sinclair ZX-81/TS-1000 written Apr 10, 2016
A beautiful plastic slab of an 80s home computer and how I got it working with a modern dashboard display.