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Nora Codes

Session Types

Leonora Tindall 2017/02/16

Session types are a technique for using a rich type system, like that of Rust or OCaml, to prevent the representation of certain kinds of illegal states. Here, I’ll illustrate them with a (somewhat contrived) example.

What is the use-case?

Let’s take the example of a system representing packaging and shipping boxes. I want to create a Package data structure, pack data into it, close it (preventing adding data), address it, and then ship it. It makes no sense to send an un-addressed Package, or to insert data into a closed one.

We could represent such a data structure like this:

struct Package<T> {
    is_closed: bool,
    is_addressed: bool,
    data: T

We would then have lots of runtime typechecking of whether boxes submitted for shipping were addressed and such, which costs time and is error-prone. Wouldn’t it be nice if the compiler could enforce this?

How is it implemented?

The easiest way to implement this is with three different types: an OpenPackage, a ClosedPackage, and an Addressed Package.

struct OpenPackage<T> {
    pub contents: T

Crucially, the contents field is pub. You can poke and prod and change that data all you want.

This has a few capabilities: pack, which takes control of whatever is supposed to go in the package and creates an OpenPackage around it, unpack, which destroys the OpenPackage and gives back its contents, and finally close, which converts the OpenPackage to a ClosedPackage.

impl <T: Sized> OpenPackage<T> {
    fn new(contents: T) -> Self {
        OpenPackage::<T> {contents: contents}

    fn pack(contents: T) -> Self {
        println!("\tPut some data in a package.");

    fn unpack(self) -> T {
        println!("\tPackage unpacked.");

    fn close(self) -> ClosedPackage<T> {
        println!("\tPackage closed.");

This leads naturally to the ClosedPackage struct:

struct ClosedPackage<T> {
contents: T

Very similar, but without the pub attribute. This means that a ClosedPackage isn’t in danger of having its contents manipulated in any way.

ClosedPackages can be opened again, yielding an OpenPackage, or addressed, creating an AddressedPackage.

impl <T: Sized> ClosedPackage<T> {
    fn new(contents: T) -> Self {
        ClosedPackage::<T> { contents: contents }
    fn open(self) -> OpenPackage<T> {
        println!("\tPackage opened.");
    fn address(self, address: String) -> AddressedPackage<T> {
        println!("\tAddressed a closed package.");
        AddressedPackage::new(self.contents, address)

Finally, the AddressedPackage struct represents one with a specified destination. I used a String for the address here, but it would be trivial to create a generic version.

struct AddressedPackage<T> {
    contents: T,
    pub address: String

To understand the access controls here, just think of a physical package. The address is on the outside; anyone can read it or cross it out with a sharpie. The contents, however, are sealed away.

This struct can be turned back into a ClosedPackage by receiveing it:

impl <T: Sized> AddressedPackage<T> {
    fn new(contents: T, address: String) -> Self {
        AddressedPackage::<T> { contents: contents, address: address }
    fn receive(self) -> ClosedPackage<T> {
        println!("\tPackage recieved.");

Finally, I created an example function to “send” the package somewhere.

fn send_package<T: Sized+std::fmt::Display>(package: AddressedPackage<T>) -> Result<String, String> {
    // Save the address.
    let address = package.address.clone();

    // Destroy the package to get at the contents
    let contents = package.receive().open().unpack();
    println!("Destination recieved: {}", contents);
    // Success! Theoretically this function could fail, but not with this implementation.
    Ok(format!("Sent package to {}", address))

fn main() {
    // Make a box and then destroy it.
    let contents: String = "Here is some data.".into();
    let package = OpenPackage::pack(contents);
    // The package owns its contents.
    // println!("{}", contents); is invalid.
    println!("{}", package.unpack());

    // Now, make a box, close it, and address it.
    let contents: String = "Here is some MORE data.".into();
    let package = OpenPackage::pack(contents);
    let closed_package = package.close();
    // We now can't unpack the package to get to its contents. This is an error:
    // let contents = closed_package.unpack();
    // because ClosedPackage doesn't have .unpack()
    // Also, package is no longer valid, so no duplication can occur.
    // Finally, we can't send_package() this package; we have to address it.
    let addressed_package = closed_package.address("6902 East Pass, Madison, WI".into());
    // Now we can send the package.
    println!("{:?}", send_package(addressed_package));

This ends up printing out:

$ ./session_types
    Put some data in a package.
    Package unpacked.
Here is some data.
    Put some data in a package.
    Package closed.
    Addressed a closed package.
    Package received.
    Package opened.
    Package unpacked.
Destination received: Here is some MORE data.
Ok("Sent package to 6902 East Pass, Madison, WI")

In the real world, the Rust crate hyper makes heavy use of session types to ensure the integrity of HTTP requests and responses.